The liver is a very important organ and is sometimes ignored until it is too late. It is such an important organ that has about 500 roles, some of which are listed below:
- processes digested food from the intestine
- controls levels of fats, amino acids and glucose in the blood
- combats infections in the body
- clears the blood of particles and infections including bacteria
- neutralises and destroys drugs and toxins
- manufactures bile
- stores iron, vitamins and other essential chemicals
- breaks down food and turns it into energy
- manufactures, breaks down and regulates numerous hormones including sex hormones
- makes enzymes and proteins which are responsible for most chemical reactions in the body ie those involved in blood clotting and repair of damaged tissues.
There are very few nerves in the liver so any complications and they rarely discovered until it becomes serious. As you can see from the list, the Liver has a major role in producing bile so that we can break down food and get all the nutrients we need. If we don’t produce this then we don’t break down food properly and this can then form gallstones, they calcify and therefore become difficult to pass. If these continue to build up they then can fill the liver and gallbladder. Eventually they can become large enough to block the flow of bile and blood. The liver can replenish itself but only for so long.
- food carvings
- constipation
- digestive disorders
- hemorrhoids
- brain disorders
- depression
- puffy eyes
- scoliosis
- gout
- obesity
- sciatica
- asthma
- insomnia
- alzheimer’s
- cancer
- chronic fatigue
So just reading this you can see how important it is to look after our liver by cleansing.
So being a colonic hydrotherapist and looking after my colon, I decided it was time to do my liver a favour too and get that cleansed too.
I prepared for this day by drinking 1 litre of Apple juice a day. Throughout the week I avoided tea, coffee, alcohol, wheat and diary. I limited the amount of animal protein and a majority of the food was organic. I aimed for two litres a day of filtered water. I started on a monday and aimed to do the flush on a saturday night, so that i could have sunday as a rest day if needed.
Saturday I only ate vegetables and stopped eating at 13.00pm
At 18.45 I had my first cup of Epsom salts
At 20.30 I had my 2nd cup of Epsom salts
21.45 I had the flush drink, grapefruit and olive oil. It wasn’t as bad as I thought to get down. I went straight to bed and layed on my right hand side. At this point I was a little bit worried that I might get cramps during the night because of the epsom salts but I didn’t, just a little bit of tummy grumbling.
At approx 7.30 I felt a need for the toilet and lets just put it this way! My bowels totally emptied. It as very strange looking in the toilet and seeing what looked like peas. I passed over 200 stones, most of them pea green in colour and floated. I sieved some of them.
I will be doing this flush again as advised to carry on flushing until no stones are passed. I felt fine after my flush, but made sure i had a colonic hydrotherapy session on the monday.
Please see below a photo of some of my stones passed. I passed about 200 in total.